sunny venus is a story about a nice town where nothing ever goes wrong :)the entire vibe is based on industrial-western shit with a hint of modernism and essentially, whatever the hell i want. id call it paranormal fiction but in a loose fantasy kinda way.there's really no exact timeframe for this but id say its like. if ppl roleplayed the 1900s. like its probably a tad bit modern but its very based on old tech and shit soi'm planning to have it written down as a story ALTHOUGH i'm also considering pseudo-animated stuff or even comics. we'll see 👁_👁


a paranormal investigator named demeter csonka's abt to go into temporary retirement after an encounter with a fucked up and evil eldritch being. its left them immensely shaken to the point where they can't continue with their work. it's their last night in Unnamed Local Town, so they have one last chat with their coworker about moving out of town to a remote place called "sunny venus" that's very far away from their current affairs.they get on the train to venus and meet mere rewi, who explains its been out of town for a good week due to "the emergence" and how unmanageable it'd be for it. demeter tries to ask more questions, but the only thing it clears up is "better to have a pile of bodies than be one yourself". otherwise its rather friendly and mentions that demeter would be welcome to visit if they had any queries about the town. the train stops and the two of them part waysdemeter gets into town and finds the place they're sposed to be staying at - it's a spare block in a majorly empty building. the only other residents are a pair of siblings who they're planning to visit anyway. they spend a lil time unpacking till there's a knock at their door. turns out its one of the aforementioned siblings (rana fahim) and she's here to say howdy. they talk a little and demeter learns shes an inventor - she tells them a little abt her personal projects and then leaves. as she does she tells demeter there'll be a lot of shit to do in the future which they just decide to take as the 'moving in' thing.the next day they leave to go downtown. they ask around for where mere would be and eventually find its abode.mere tells them about the lamps and how they keep the towns dreams separate from the living one through storing them there - and how sometimes dream shit seeps out from them. there are tinctures that give ppl powers and they're the designated 'managers' of the dream world.


"the spade"

25 ◆ aug 17 ◆ rromani (hungarian)
any pronouns ◆ nonbinary ◆ aromantic
intp ◆ 6w5 ◆ 6-2-8
↠ an expert in their field but heavy is the cost! emotionally at least
↠ 7 years of nothing but horrific shit beamed straight to the retinas. somehow still alive and kicking!
↠ experienced in the art of "oh god oh fuck ill just handle it step aside"
↠ only just got here and yet shes considering rereading all her paranormal memoirs daily in an attempt to invent a new mental illness


"the hummingbird"

22 ◆ feb 20 ◆ black + palestinian
she/it ◆ transfem enb ◆ lesbian
istp ◆ 3w4 ◆ 3-5-1
↠ 20 steps ahead of you....and also all of linear time. can willingly look into the future.
↠ an architect, an inventor and anything inbetween and outbeyond
↠ excellent debate partner if you're looking to lose
↠ head in the clouds, feet on the earth, as they should be
↠ blissful overawareness - she has keen eyes!
↠ would love to study you
↠ stunningly apathetic - it's very much strategic


"the somnambulist"

24 ◆ june 4 ◆ black + palestinian
he/they ◆ transmasc enb ◆ arospec ◆ bi
intj ◆ 8w7 ◆ 8-3-5
↠ having the most terrible dreams in the world
↠ going through a particularly rough burnout period. artists, ykno
↠ some people? have psychic ghost sleep clones???? to cope????
↠ rotting away very slowly. but just in spirits!
↠ retired furry artist now only accessible on his vent priv
↠ they're not okay, they promise
↠ society if brokeness was a form of art 😌


"the paradox"

25 ◆ sep 29 ◆ maori
it/its ◆ transfem enb ◆ lesbian
esfp ◆ 5w4 ◆ 5-9-2
↠ 8 feet in the grave!
↠ local gravedigger, but dressed to party! just in case
↠ a streak of bad luck - literally! its hands are cursed and have granted it the option to murder or pass the bad luck along. neither are too desirable itthinks
↠ got it all under control...and under a swanky pair of gloves
↠ both hospitable AND hostile! it depends on who you are



19 ◆ oct 12 ◆ pakistani
ey/em ◆ transmasc agender ◆ gay
entp ◆ 2w3 ◆ 2-7-9
↠ do NOT disrespect eir potions
↠ got the finest wares in town! so wareful they're on the outskirts
↠ so-called "icarus of the earth" - has to lay very low or else ey'll be spotted and (rightfully) executed
↠ will steal all your shit and call it either a joke or social experiment - depends on eir mood
↠ there's always a catch, bucko
↠ strangely competent - good at doctor shit and even better at conspiracies